Friday 14 August 2009

Food for thought

Add ImageThroughout the projects and house is food,
and here I wanted to show you some of the special pieces I have collected,
I'm not good with Filmo, so I enjoy shows where you can choose for the most delightful items.

These hang over my kitchen fireplace, waiting for cook to choose for the masters dinner.
The centre bird has real feathers.

The fruit has been brought from many different people and put together in this dish.
It sits on my desk, nowhere for it in my house, but each item a master piece.

This box of vegetables, fresh from the garden.

Turkish delight, my favorite,
I had to have a dish in my house, this sits on the table in the ball room

This chicken is on the kitchen table, it's not that fat, so it won't go far,
the feathers on it's neck are real, made by another local lady.

Plate of biscuits, left in the sitting room for the lady of the house
Most were made by me, very basic.

Ham, Pies and beetroot, all ready to be served.

Who broke the egg, fresh strawberries with shortbread.

Sweet pastries, freshly cooked, cooling ready for the main meal.

Saturday 8 August 2009

A day at the beach

It's a sunny day here in Hampshire, Kev and I took a trip to Hayling Island, along the coast, on his motorbike, we walked along the pebble beach, sat in the shade drinking coffee, now back at home I wanted to show you my mini beach house.

This was a project two years ago with a mini club, it's my first attempt and as with all project's, it's not finished. I like to look for items, I have tried to make it retro, as a child my parents never hired a beach hut. But along the coast where we live there are rows of huts and each sunny day people stay untill late making the most of the fine weather.

My two ladies, were given to me, I normally do not have dolls, but the young lady in her cosi finished the scene. The older lady is sat on the bench, she is resting with her dog, before walking back to her home. I chose the pale blue for the outside, most of the huts locally have to be painted dark green. There are loads of birds here, seagulls, ducks a blue tit at the feeder and on the other side of the hut is a swallow making a nest.

I love the front porch, it's very cluttered, but that is often the case, on the deck chair a book has been left. Underneath there are a box of tissues, Maltesers and a can of drink, the flip flops have been kicked off.

In each corner is a hardy plant,

This view from the top shows the treasures stored inside. beach toys, a blanket for if the day gets cool. On the sideboard food and a flask of hot coffee. I love the set of three flying birds on the back wall. The owners of the hut love all types of birds.

The sideboard has seen better days,
it should have been thrown away but found it way into the hut.

The bench was had made to fit into the hut,
the children have been to the shops and have rock for later.
The cat rug finishes the scene off.

I hope you like my beach hut, it was fun to make and I have enjoyed sharing my story with you.

Another busy weekend here, we are off to a car boot sale tomorrow morning,
selling loads of things we no longer use.
Tomorrow evening we are going to marwell Zoo,
with our daughters, Steve and Josh, its a twilight tour,

Saturday 1 August 2009

The Yellow Room

This is my final bedroom in the main part of the House, I am putting a maids room in the attic space, but that will be next year, after we move and I have more mini time.
This room belongs to the daughter of the house, she is an adult.
There is still much to be done and this is a work in progress.

As in the green room I have created the fire place on the back wall, it is another working fireplace, the door I have put on the side of the room, this opens unto the top hall. I wanted the bedroom's to be similar but not the same, I do not need so much space in here, so I could locate the door on the side. The floor again I have made and stained. I do need to add a picture rail, but again there will be no ceiling lights, there is a lamp in the back corner.

I will change some of the furniture in here, but not the chest of drawers below, these were made locally and are beautiful, the drawers are very fine, I already have items in storage in them.

The bed was made by the same craftsman as the drawers, I first had this in the master bedroom, but I feel it's better here, the blanket was purchased from e-bay, and the sheets are hankies.

The hat and bag are hand made, the hat was my first attempt and I will keep it, up close it's not that good, but we all have to start somewhere, the bag is a patterned piece of ribbon with a fringe, folded and glued, the handle is just fine cord, the fringe has been shaped.

The rug below is my own design, I have stitched it on 32hpi canvas, but I can not get it to stay square, I did not use a hoop whilst stitching.

The background paper I am using in these pic's is a wrapping paper, I have painted it white and use it for ceiling paper in the down stairs rooms.

I will show more pic's once this room is finished.

For my next blog, I want to show my beech hut.


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