Sunday 17 April 2011

Home improvments

This is Montgomery Hall, as sold by Doll's House Emporium, it's the only kit I have brought, not the most expensive, but a price I could afford at the time. I knew I would change loads about it, I never have in my life followed instructions, almost always feeling I can improve on the design. I have always hated the pavement and steps on this house, but I loved the room sizes and layout.

I have my railings and post, and have been busy with them, I drilled two holes in the full length post and the railings fit into them, I will set the post into the pavement's. I have also taken 18 of the post ans cut them down, I have 9 steps from the pavement to the front door, I will drill a hole each side of the step and set these shortened post in.

The house below, is a Sid Cooke house and it shows the pavement I am trying to create, my railings will have post not pillars.

Later today I will mark out my board and then get Kev to cut it, I have to make the front board and pavement which will be in one piece each, and then each side. When I want to move the pavement to get into my house The whole piece will just lift off, leaving the kitchen in full view.


  1. My pavement is similar to the Sid Cooke one - looking forward to seeing yours progress :)

  2. These are some nice doll houses. I can see why you liked this dollhouse. I couldnt tell what kind of pavement was with the Sid Cooke house. Those railings make the scene. It is gonna look so nice when you finish the rails.


Thoughts from friendly Bloggers


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