Friday 16 April 2010

Making Plans

I have had my operation and have spent the week at home, I have limited use of my left arm, so I have not done very much, watched all your blogs and surfed the net. I have found another rug to stitch, I love the pattern and of course it's green my favorite colour.

I have started planning for my Attic space of the house. In my first ever blog, I showed how the house was to look if I followed the plans, the roof space would not be used, but my plan was always to dispose of their roofing and create my own. I love everything Georgian and this week I have been on Google looking at roof tops, plus reading all the books I have. I want to create something like the house below.

With three attic windows, and two chimneys at the back. I have already got items for the maids room, and I want some space to be for attic with broken furniture and other things stored there, I even have my spiders ready to live up there. The third room I think should be for children, I don't want a school room so I am thinking of a day bed and a cot, but I am reserving my decision until I know what space I will have. I also want to check out how the rafters would have looked from the inside.


  1. The rug is great and I love that old house. Reminds me of one near where I used to live that was covered in ivy.

    Hope your arm gets back to normal soon xx

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following yours. :)

    I love that rug!!!

  3. Hi Marlene love the rug i hope your feeling much better


Thoughts from friendly Bloggers


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