Sunday 3 May 2009


We enter the house through the ground floor hall, where all guest would be greeted and taken into other rooms of the house. I have put a false door at the back of the hall, this suggest the route taken by the staff to the kitchen and the lower level.
The floor is hand laid using parquet tile's from Burchmore's. I have used these in all the public rooms on the ground and 1st floors. Each floor after placing the tiles on a thin card has been varnished with a satin stain.
The rugs in this area are hand made and taken from a book "Carpets and Rugs" by Sue Hawkins, the stair carpet was designed by me, using the pattern from the rugs to match everything together.
The table is Bespaq, which was expensive , but does look good. The top hat I made myself, using a pattern from a dolls house magazine. Other items have been brought from local shops. The lights are oils lamps a very new invention.

I love cross stitch and have made all the rugs for the house, the rug above I saw on a site, the owner's mother had sewn it 30 years ago, and no pattern of it could be found. It was just what I wanted for my main bedroom, so I recreated it and stitched it twice for the green bedroom. But my daughter Fliss loved it so I stitched it for a third time and gave one to her.

The carpet for the dining room, was an oblong and still not big enough, in this case I made the centre into a square, copied the outer design and then added my own design for the final green and cream, to create the size I required, I also stitched on a slightly larger canvas.

Not all my stitching works this well, I have started projects, only to find the changes don't work or the pattern is thrown off. I have many half worked item's, once started mistakes and bad planning has made them impossible to finish.


  1. I love your house. Although I live in Canada I have ordered from the Dollhouse Emporium. Love their things!

  2. I love your rugs! Your stitching is very good. :-)


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