Saturday 9 May 2009

Tiny Delights

This fairy was made for me by Fliss, she is tiny and sat on a button, on a club competition we had to make a scene in a container, I had already done a bottle and was looking for something different, I was about the recycle a empty "Fairy" washing up liquid bottle, which was lemon grass. When the idea sprung into my head, I lined the bottle with greenery from the garden with feathers and a couple of full sized items she found, hence she is sitting on a button. The container has gone by my little fairy watches over me.

Today I want to share with you some of my favourite items I have collected
The Chinese teapot above I brought at Minatura last year, I found it in the bargain box at just £2, I went through the box looking for other delights, but this was the only one I liked.
I love glass, the cranberry above I have collected from local shops and shows, I have it all on display in my dining room. Also in the dining room on display is the Tantalus below, hand made locally to where I live, I brought it from my favorite shop Ginnys Attic , visit her site at Both the wooden case and the bottles are perfect, I did contemplate putting liquid into the bottles but was worried they might evaporate and mark the glass.

I love plant kits and the plants in both photo's have been hand made by me, the top plant is in my florist and the lower plants are in the main house. My rule for purchasing plant kits are only to buy from shops and fairs, you see the kit and know it's going to be what you can use. I have brought a couple kits from the net and they have been poor quality.

In the kitchen I love all the utensils, the photo above could be full size items, I have nice items in drawers, and only I know they are there, but I get a thrill out of knowing I am making everything real. Below is a pot from Stokesay Ware, a UK based company with the most wonderful items, at this time I only have a few things, but one of their dinner services is on my wish list. Look them up on

The last picture is items from the sitting room, I keep these items on the sewing box, the cotton reels come off the stand and the scissors open and close. I love sewing so these fascinate me.


  1. What beautiful treasures. I really like your fairy on the button. She's a cute one. :-)

    The plants are too gorgeous for words. Where did you get the jug with the flower arrangement in it? Was it part of a kit? It's lovely.

  2. The jug was a bargin buy from a local shop for £1 they are common over here, you don't always have to spend loads of money

  3. Marlene you have some wonderful tiny treasures. Thank you for sharing them with us..

  4. I just love your cranberry glass! I hope to start my own collection one day. Thanks for sharing!


Thoughts from friendly Bloggers


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